Global Battle for Supercomputer Supremacy

As countries around the world advance in supercomputer development, Frontier the California-base machine vies for top spot, but China claims they have released its rival from Wuhan. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Frontier, or OLCF-5, is the world's first exascale supercomputer. It is hosted at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) in Tennessee, United States and became operational

What does A.I. think the future will look like?

Using Artificial Intelligence to envision future cars and cities We all have visions of the future. What our cars will look like. What our cities will look like. Ever wonder what artificial intelligence (A.I.)"thinks" or "perceives" the future will envision? you may be surprised by some interesting augments of reality or

New A. I. Technology Solves Curse of Babel

humane pin

Wearable artificial intelligence pin is like a Bond 007 Gadget On a recent trip to South America I was using my smart phone in many cases to translate phrases to understand what the locals were saying and also to give them information. I wondered what if there was an easier

5 ways zero-touch technology will change our world

When was the last time you were alone, without your smartphone? Without your phone did you feel incapacitated? I’m sure, like most of us, you would answer YES to that question. Without our smartphones, we lose our connection to the world around us. It’s our immediate gateway to our job, bank,

How AI and Analytics Made The Billable Hour Redundant

It has been blamed for blocking business development and for penalising efficiency, yet despite its drawbacks, the billable hour has managed to persist in the legal profession Faced with spending cuts by clients, stiffer competition from upstart legal services providers, and the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI), law firms’ traditional model