Police Arrest African CryptoKing “Blord” On Fraud and Terrorism Charges

Nigerian Police have taken "Blord" into custody on an array of charges stemming from his crypto based companies. Blord whose real name is Linus Williams was arrested following allegations of cryptocurrency fraud, terrorism funding, and aiding internet fraud, among other charges against his group of businesses. (adsbygoogle

The Savage Truth About Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the cornerstone of the cryptocurrency market, is currently inching towards a new record value, but what is really driving its growth, and can it be sustained over the long run. Bitcoin, the original "cryptocurrency", has been on a wild ride since its creation in 2009. Earlier in 2024, the price of

Crypto The Preferred Currency of Cyber Criminals

Cryptocurrencies are becoming a powerful tool for corruption, through the facilitation of organized crime with implications for enabling illicit finance and criminal activities globally. Cryptocurrencies are becoming an increasingly popular tool for organized crime groups (OCGs) and cybercriminals to conduct illicit activities around the world. OCGs can exploit the inherent

The Simultaneous Rise of Crypto and RaaS

Major Ransomware attacks on Banking Systems, Technology platforms, and Government Infrastructure prevent access to vital information for stakeholders and cause debilitation of operations. Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) is a malicious threat which has emerged as a significant factor in global cybersecurity. This ransomware business model offers global cybercriminals solutions the